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31 Days of Kids Yoga
The Practice
A few notes about an at-home practice
Day 1: Downward Facing Dog
Day 2: Swan Pose
Day 3: Cricket Pose
Day 4: Camel Pose
Day 5: Savasana
Day 6: Flag Pose
Day 7: Happy Baby
Day 8: Upward Facing Dog
Day 9: Warrior II
Day 10: Airplane
Day 11: 5-Pointed Star
Day 12: Garland Pose
Day 13: Child's Pose
Day 14: Tree Pose
Day 15: Straddle Pose or V-sit
Day 16: Dancer Pose
Day 17: Turtle Pose
Day 18: Seated Forward Fold
Day 19: Candle Pose
Day 20: Hero Pose
Day 21: Baby Cobra
Day 22: Mermaid Pose
Day 23: Twisted Warrior
Day 24: Seated Twist
Day 25: Slide Pose
Day 26: Cat Pose
Day 27: Cow Pose
Day 28: Lizard Laying on a Rock
Day 29: Circle Breath
Day 30: Dragon Pose
Day 31: Gratitude Meditation
Downloads and Printables
Journal Pages - editable PDF download
Day 7: Happy Baby
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